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Saturday 15 February 2025
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Active Learning in Large Introductory Sciences Courses

Active Learning in Large Introductory Sciences Courses

Details of the Event
Date: 11 March 2024 (Monday)
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Venue: Learning Lab (RRS321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Speaker: Professor Robert Chen, University of Massachusetts Boston


Introductory science courses provide an excellent opportunity to prepare both majors and non-majors for thinking about some of the largest issues facing society such as climate change, artificial intelligence, and healthcare. Introductory courses can also serve to recruit students from highly diverse backgrounds into these important fields. Often, these courses are large (>50 students). This workshop will provide strategies to overcome challenges of these large introductory courses while making your teaching engaging, relevant, and effective for all students. A special emphasis is placed on a few big concepts that can help organize examples and knowledge for students to grapple with future scientific issues. Come ready to share ideas, to think actively about teaching and learning, and to discuss what works and why.

About the Speaker
Robert F. (Bob) Chen is a Professor and the Interim Dean of the School for the Environment at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He received his AB from Harvard University in Chemistry and Physics in 1986 and his PhD in Oceanography from Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 1992. His research interests include the cycling of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM), carbon biogeochemistry in coastal systems, and the development of sensor networks in shallow water systems. He has explored dissolved organic carbon (DOC) outwelling from salt marshes, remote sensing of coastal water quality, and indicators of estuarine health. He is also dedicated to ocean and environmental science education and outreach at the local, national, and international levels. He is the Principal Investigator of the NASA PATHS Diversifying Engineering project (www.pathspartners.org), and serves on the boards of the New England Aquarium, and the Alliance for Business Leadership. He is the Chair of the Education and Engagement Committee of the Association of the Sciences for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), and served on its board. He has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles and maintains an active laboratory in the area of coastal observations, carbon cycling, and contaminant distribution and fate. He works with communities to tell stories of coastal resilience, STEM diversity, and environmental justice.

All Staff are welcome!