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Wednesday 12 March 2025
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Teaching Excellence Awards Workshop


Organised by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Details of the workshop:
Date : 6 September 2019 (Friday)
Time : 12:45pm – 2:00pm
Venue : RR321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus
Facilitator :
Dr. Tracy Zou, Assistant Professor, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU
Guest Speakers :
Prof. Grahame Bilbow, Director, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU
Dr. Patcy Yeung, Faculty of Education, HKU

This is a second run of the workshop that was held on 10 June 2019.

This workshop is open to all teaching staff who are interested in finding out more about the different Teaching Excellence Awards. Staff will be provided with an overview of the award schemes, the key selection criteria, and some suggestions on preparing an evidence-based teaching portfolio. In this workshop, Prof. Grahame Bilbow, who has served on the award selection panel, will offer some advice on preparing and presenting a compelling application. Dr. Patcy Yeung, an Outstanding Teaching Award Winner (2018), will share with us her personal experience of applying for the award. Staff who are thinking about making an application in the next round are strongly encouraged to attend this workshop. Staff who are not sure, or would simply like to know more about the scheme, are also very welcome.

The deadline for the next round of application is October 18, 2019. Please refer to the circular on Teaching Excellence Award Scheme, 2019 here: https://intraweb.hku.hk/reserved_1/tlearn/teas2019/TEAS_List_A_2019.pdf
(HKU portal login is required)

About the guest speakers

Prof. Grahame Bilbow is the Director of the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at the University of Hong Kong. He has served on the teaching excellence award selection panel for six years. Grahame’s latest initiative is a bespoke website (TP21 ) offering support for academic staff who are writing a reflective teaching portfolio. Portfolios can serve multiple purposes, one of which is to support teaching excellence award applications.

Dr. Patcy Yeung received her B.Soc.Sc., M. Phil., Ph.D. degrees in Psychology and Postgraduate Diploma in Education from HKU. She had served as a teacher in a secondary school, a primary school and a special school, a tutor in the Department of Psychology, and a postdoctoral fellow in a project for supporting children to overcome reading and writing challenges in learning Chinese. She is an associate professor and a research director of the Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education (CAISE) in the Faculty of Education. Her fields of professional interest are Chinese reading and writing development, Chinese developmental dyslexia, and tiered intervention model on Chinese literacy learning. Patcy is an Outstanding Teaching Award Winner at 2018.

For information, please contact:
Mr. Thomas Lau , CETL
Phone: 3917 4807; Email: kanclau@hku.hk​