Sharing Resources:
Miro allows you to embed PDFs, documents, videos, audios, and other multimedia
Miro allows you to embed PDFs, documents, videos, audios, and other multimedia
Engaging Students in Productive Process:
Miro allows students to create and share their work, and comment on their peers’ work
Miro allows students to create and share their work, and comment on their peers’ work
Engaging Students in Co-construction:
Miro allows students to simultaneously and remotely work together
Miro allows students to simultaneously and remotely work together
Monitoring and Regulation:
Miro allows you to see the progress of your students’ work during breakout session
Miro allows you to see the progress of your students’ work during breakout session
Heisawn Jeong & Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver(2016) Seven Affordances of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: How to Support Collaborative Learning? How Can Technologies Help?. Educational Psychologist, 51:2, 247-265, Doi: 10.1080/00461520.2016.1158654
Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (2022).
From Principles to Strategies to Practice: A Series on Online Course Design for Better Learning Experience.
From Principles to Strategies to Practice: A Series on Online Course Design for Better Learning Experience.