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Saturday 22 February 2025
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Prof. Luk Yun Yung, Lillian


Assistant Professor

CPD 1.80, 1/F, Centennial Campus
(852) 3917 0117

Areas of Expertise in T & LResearch AreasResearch GrantsPublicationsInvited LecturesProfessional Community Services
Lillian has a multidisciplinary background, with a PhD in Education from the University of Hong Kong (HKU), a Masters in Japanese Linguistics from Monash University and a Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology from the National University of Singapore. She is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).

Before rejoining HKU, she was a researcher in University College London (UCL) where she conducted research on engineering education and taught in the MSc Engineering and Education programme. She is now a honorary research fellow of the Centre for Engineering Education in UCL. She has experience in supporting different teaching and learning initiatives in both the University of Hong Kong and UCL. She has been involved in programme evaluation, design and delivery of professional development workshops/seminars, and consultations with academics on pedagogical design and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Research Interests

Lillian is interested in teaching and learning research across multiple disciplines. She has been researching on student learning through internship experience, students’ sense of belonging in engineering and assessment literacy in generic skills development.

Current Research Areas

  • Engineering education
  • The development and assessment of global competency
  • Graduate employability
  • Sustainability literacy in higher education
2022-2024 Engineering Education Research Grant
Title: Becoming ‘Work-Ready’: The role of undergraduate curriculum and immaterial expertise in the transition to work
Role: Co-I
2022-2023 Global Engagement Fund
Title: Fostering international collaboration for global competence education: Building a global Engineering Education Community to support global competence development in engineering students
Role: PI
2021-2022 Faculty Research Fund
Title: Investigating assessment design decision making for generic skills development – How do university teachers design assessment for generic skills development?
Role: PI
2020-2023 General Research Fund 2020/2021
Title: Assessing generic skills in a specific STEM discipline in higher education
Role: CO-I
2019-2020 Knowledge Exchange (KE) Funding
Title: Train the Trainers – Engaging Extra-curricular Activities Organisations to Enhance Students’ Holistic Competencies
Role: CO-I
2013-2015 HKU Teaching Development Grant
Title: Assessment and Feedback – Develop Discipline-Based Assessment and Feedback Resources by Identifying Good Practices in the Faculty of Business and Economics (B&E) and the Faculty of Science at HKU and Other Overseas Universities
Role: CO-I

Current Research Areas

  • Luk, L.Y.Y., Direito, I., Roach, K., & Mitchell, J. E. (in press). Exploring students’ sense of belonging to engineering in interdisciplinary project-based teamwork through the lens of activity theory In C. K. Howson & M. Kingsbury (Eds.), Belonging and identity in STEM higher education. UCL Press.

Peer reviewed journal articles

  • Luk, L. Y. Y., & Chan, K. Y. C. (2022). Students’ learning outcomes from engineering internship: A provisional framework. Studies in Continuing Education,44(3), 526-545. https://doi.org/10.1080/0158037X.2021.1917536 [Link]
  • Chan, C. K. Y., & Luk, L. Y. Y. (2022). Academics’ beliefs towards holistic competency development and assessment: A case study in engineering education. Studies in Educational Evaluation 72, 101102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2021.101102 [Link]
  • Chan, C. K. Y., & Luk, L. Y. Y. (2022). A four-dimensional framework for teacher assessment literacy in holistic competency development. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 47(5), 755-769. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2021.1962806 [Link]
  • Chan, C. K. Y., & Luk, L. Y. Y. (2022). Eight years after the 3-3-4 curriculum reform: Examining disciplinary differences and undergraduates’ holistic competencies development in Hong Kong. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 74, 101168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2022.101168 [Link]
  • Chan, C. K. Y., & Luk, L. Y. Y. (2022). Going “grade-free”? – Teachers’ and students’ perceived value and grading preferences for holistic competency assessment. Higher Education Research & Development, 41(3), 647-664. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2021.1877628 [Link]
  • Chan, C. K. Y., & Luk, L. Y. Y. (2021). Development and validation of an instrument measuring undergraduate students’ perceived holistic competencies. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 46(3), 467-482. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2020.1784392 [Link]
  • Luk, L. Y. Y., & Chan, K. Y. C. (2020). Adaptation and validation of the Work Experience Questionnaire for investigating engineering students’ internship experience. Journal of Engineering Education, 109(4), 801-820. https://doi.org/10.1002/jee.20351 [Link]
  • Chan, C. K. Y., Fong, E. T. Y., Luk, L. Y. Y., & Ho, R. (2017). A review of literature on challenges in the development and implementation of generic competencies in higher education curriculum. International Journal of Educational Development, 57, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2017.08.010 [Link]
  • Chan, C. K. Y., Zhao, Y., & Luk, L. Y. Y. (2017). A validated and reliable instrument investigating engineering students’ perceptions of competency in generic skills. Journal of Engineering Education, 106(2), 299-325. https://doi.org/10.1002/jee.20165 [Link]
  • Yang, M., & Luk, L. Y. Y. (2017). The role of international service learning in leadership development among students in higher education. Journal of Youth Studies, 20(1), 156-171.
  • Yang, M., Luk, L. Y. Y., Webster, B. J., Chau, A. W. L., & Ma, C. H. K. (2016). The role of international service-learning in facilitating undergraduate students’ self-exploration. Journal of Studies in International Education, 20(5), 416-436. https://doi.org/10.1177/1028315316662976 [Link]
  • Chan, K. Y. C., Luk, L. Y. Y., & Zeng, M. (2014). Teachers’ perceptions of student evaluations of teaching. Educational Research and Evaluation, 20(4), 275-289. https://doi.org/10.1080/13803611.2014.932698 [Link]
  • Chan, C. K.Y., & Luk, L. Y. Y. (2013). Faculty perspectives on the “3+ 3+ 4” curriculum reform in Hong Kong: A case study. International Education Studies, 6(4), 56-66. https://doi.org/10.5539/ies.v6n4p56 [Link]
  • Luk, L.Y.Y. (2010). Motivational Factors in the Continuation of Japanese Language Study. Monash University Linguistic Papers, 7, 13-33.

Conference Papers and Posters

  • Luk, L. Y. Y., Direito, I., Mitchell, J., & Roach, K. (2023). Is “improving the quality of life” the only sustainability issue that is related to engineering? – Exploring engineering students’ conceptions of sustainability. Paper presented at the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Dublin.
  • Luk, L. Y. Y., Wilde, R., Popov, J. N., Chika , & Direito, I. (2023). Recontexualising knowledge: Alumni and employer views on the value of university in graduate transitions to work. Paper presented at the 11th European Conference on Education, London
  • Luk, L. Y. Y. (2023). Developing an Assessment Design Decisions Framework for generic skills assessment in higher education. Paper presented at the International Assessment in Higher Education Conference, Manchester.
  • Luk, L. Y. Y., & Chan, C. K. Y. (2019). Capturing the uniqueness of student learning outcomes in engineering internship courses. Poster presented at the Lily-Asia: Evidence-based teaching and learning, Hong Kong.
  • Luk, L. Y. Y., & Chan, C. K. Y. (2018). Capturing the uniqueness of individual student learning through innovative assessment of students’ internship experience. Poster presented at the 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  • Cheng, M. W. T., & Luk, L. Y. Y. (2018). Photovoice approach: Developing student generic competencies through residential experiences in higher education. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  • Luk, L. Y. Y., & Chan, C. K. Y. (2017). Work supervisors as change-makers in the enhancement of students’ internship experience. Paper presented at the The European Conference on Education, Brighton, UK.
  • Luk, L. Y. Y., Cheng, M. W. T., & Chan, C. K. Y. (2017). Sharing good practices in engineering, business and science education. Paper presented at the Influencing Teaching and Learning Practice: Achieving the Ripple Effect, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Luk, L. Y. Y. (2016). How are students’ generic skills developed through internship experience? Paper presented at the International Conference – Beyond the Formal Curriculum in Universities, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Luk, L. Y. Y., & Chan, C. K. Y. (2015). Assessment for learning in engineering internship programmes in Hong Kong: How far are we? Paper presented at the International Conference: Assessment for Learning in Higher Education 2015, Hong Kong.
  • Ho, R. M. H., Luk, L. Y. Y., & Chan, K. Y. C. (2014). A review of literature on challenges and obstacles to implementation of generic skills. Paper presented at the 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain.
  • Luk, L. Y. Y., Ho, R. M. H., Yeung, C. S. Y., & Chan, K. Y. C. (2014). Engineering undergraduates’ perception of transferable skills in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain.
  • Luk, L. Y. Y., Zhao, Y., & Chan, K. Y. C. (2014). Discovering the learning and teaching approaches of transferable skills to engage students. Paper presented at the International Conference of Science Educators and Teachers, Phuket. Thailand.
  • Luk, L. Y. Y., Chan, K. Y. C., & Zhao, Y. (2014). What are science and engineering students’ motivations in learning generic skills? Poster presented at the International Conference of Science Educators and Teachers, Phuket, Thailand.
  • Zhao, Y., Luk, L. Y. Y., & Chan, K. Y. C. (2014). Psychometric properties of a survey on STEM students’ perceptions of generic skills. Paper presented at the International Conference of Science Educators and Teachers, Phuket, Thailand.
  • Luk, L.Y.Y., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2013) , Faculty perception of the “3+3+4” curriculum reform in Hong Kong: A small-scale study. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. 1 – 3 July, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Luk, L.Y.Y., Zeng, M., & Chan, C.K.Y. (2013) Teachers’ perception towards student evaluation of teaching in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. 1 – 3 July, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Luk, L.Y.Y., Yang, M., Chau, A.W.L., Webster, B., & Ma, C. (2012). How do students’ perceptions of leader-follower relationship influence their service quality and personal growth in overseas volunteering?. Paper presented at the CESHK Annual Conference Feb 2012, Hong Kong.
  • Webster, B., Chan, L. S., Ho, L. M. W., & Luk, L. Y. Y. (2011). Introducing a common curriculum for all first year undergraduates. Poster presented at the 14th Pacific RIM FYHE Conference 2011, Fremantle, Australia.
  Role Conference Name Place/Date
1. Invited Keynote Speaker
“Psychological approach to engineering education”
Inaugural Session of University of Évora’s Doctoral Program in Psychology Online/17 Feb 2023
2. Invited Speaker
“Opportunities for transformation in assessment practice during the pandemic – But are we ready to be innovative?”
Innovative Assessment Strategies Webinar Series, APRU Global Health Working Group on Education & Technology Online/19 Oct 2022
3. Invited Speaker
“Gender in engineering education: Are we moving towards gender diversity in Hong Kong?”
60th Anniversary International Conference 2020 of the Asian Women’s Research Institute, Sookmyung Womens University Seoul/11-12 Nov 2020
4. Invited Panel Discussant
“Teaching and learning aspirations of future faculties”
Lily-Asia Conference: Evidence-based Teaching and Learning Hong Kong/2019
5. Invited Speaker
“Learning beyond the engineering classroom: Can they be assessed?”
4th International Workshop on Innovative Engineering Education (IEE 2016), organized by the Sungkyunkwan University Hub Center for Innovative Engineering Education Korea/2016

Journal Reviewer

Period of Appointment Journal name
2023 to present Education + Training
2022 to present European Journal of Engineering Education
2022 to present Asia Pacific Education Review
2021 to present Studies in Higher Education
2021 to present IEEE Transactions on Education
2020 to present Journal of Engineering Education
2020 to present Studies in Educational Evaluation
2017 to present Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
2017 to present Nursing and Health Sciences
2016 to present Journal of Further and Higher Education